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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
1. representative, serving to represent or portray.
2. imaginative (drawing, portrait, sketch, or painting of a person or scene not actually seen by the artist).
3. composite (portrait of a criminal suspect).

temsili hükümet pol. government by representation.
temsili * representative, serving to represent/portray. * imaginative (drawing/portrait/sketch/painting of a person/scene not actually seen by the artist). * composite (portrait of a criminal suspect).
temsili actinal
temsili theatrical

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
temsili kukla
  • {N} effigy
temsili mezara dikilen taş
  • {N} cenotaph
temsili hükümet politika * government by representation.
matris temsili matrix representation
temsili örnek representative sample
temsili kukla effigy n.
temsili mezara dikilen taş cenotaph n.
temsili örnek representative sample [elec.]
matris temsili matrix representation [tech.]