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İngilizce » Türkçe Yukarı
fakir Dinle! {'feıkər}
  • {N} fakir, Hint fakiri, derviş, dolandırıcı, sahtekâr, numaracı
fakir i. derviş, fakir, Hint fakiri.
fakir derviş, fakir, Hint fakiri.
fakir fakir, hint fakiri, derviş, dolandırıcı, sahtekâr, numaracı i.

Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {A} poor, needy, pauper, destitute, distressed, impecunious, indigent, necessitous, penniless, penurious, ropy, small
  • {N} pauper, poor person, fakir
1. poor, destitute, needy, impoverished.
2. poor, mean, run-down, shoddy (thing).
3. poor person; pauper.
4. (an) unfortunate.
5. your humble servant (a polite formula now used jocularly).
6. dervish, sufi (an Indian) fakir. F

fakir! Poor man!/Poor woman!/Poor kid!/Poor thing!

fakir düşmek to become poor.

fakir fukara the poor.
fakir * poor, destitute, needy, impoverished. * poor, mean, run-down, shoddy (thing). * poor person; pauper. * (an) unfortunate. * your humble servant [(a polite formula now used jocularly).] * dervish, sufi (an Indian) fakir.
fakir impecunious
fakir indigent

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
beyaz fakir halk
  • {N} white trash
fakir ama temiz giyimli kibar
  • {A} shabby-genteel
fakir babası
  • {N} guardian of the poor
fakir beyazlar (zenci deyişi)
  • {N} white trash
fakir fukara
  • {N} poor: the poor, destitute: the destitute
fakir hastalara bakan rahibe
  • {N} sister of mercy
fakir hastanesi
  • {N} lazaret, lazaretto
fakir kimse
  • {N} have-not
fakir kiracıların sömürülmesi
  • {N} Rachmanism
fakir semt
  • {N} quarter: poor quarter, slum, slums
fakir semtleri hayır için dolaşmak
  • {V} slum: go slumming, slum
fakir ve hasta kimse
  • {N} lazar
bu fakir this poor man, your humble servant.
fakir düşmek * to become poor.
fakir fukara * the poor.
Fakir! * Poor man!/Poor woman!/Poor kid!/Poor thing!
fakir kişi pauper
proteinden fakir diyet low protein diet
beyaz fakir halk white trash n.
fakir ama temiz giyimli kibar shabby genteel adj.