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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Matter-of-fact Dinle!
Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; dry.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Matter Dinle!
That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of anything; the constituent elements of conception; that into which a notion may be analyzed; the essence; the pith; the embodiment.
Matter Dinle!
That of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed; anything which has extension, occupies space, or is perceptible by the senses; body; substance.
Matter Dinle!
That with regard to, or about which, anything takes place or is done; the thing aimed at, treated of, or treated; subject of action, discussion, consideration, feeling, complaint, legal action, or the like; theme.
Matter Dinle!
That which one has to treat, or with which one has to do; concern; affair; business.
Matter Dinle!
Affair worthy of account; thing of consequence; importance; significance; moment; -- chiefly in the phrases what matter ? no matter, and the like.
Matter Dinle!
Inducing cause or occasion, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing; difficulty; trouble.
Matter Dinle!
Amount; quantity; portion; space; -- often indefinite.
Matter Dinle!
Substance excreted from living animal bodies; that which is thrown out or discharged in a tumor, boil, or abscess; pus; purulent substance.
Matter Dinle!
That which is permanent, or is supposed to be given, and in or upon which changes are effected by psychological or physical processes and relations; -- opposed to form.
Matter Dinle!
Written manuscript, or anything to be set in type; copy; also, type set up and ready to be used, or which has been used, in printing.
Matter Dinle!
To be of importance; to import; to signify.
v. i.
Matter Dinle!
To form pus or matter, as an abscess; to maturate.
v. i.
Matter Dinle!
To regard as important; to take account of; to care for.
v. t.
Subject-matter The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion; that which is made the object of thought or study. n.
Fact Dinle!
A doing, making, or preparing.
Fact Dinle!
An effect produced or achieved; anything done or that comes to pass; an act; an event; a circumstance.
Fact Dinle!
Reality; actuality; truth; as, he, in fact, excelled all the rest; the fact is, he was beaten.
Fact Dinle!
The assertion or statement of a thing done or existing; sometimes, even when false, improperly put, by a transfer of meaning, for the thing done, or supposed to be done; a thing supposed or asserted to be done; as, history abounds with false facts.