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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Electro-muscular Pertaining the reaction (contraction) of the muscles under electricity, or their sensibility to it. a.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Muscular Dinle!
Of or pertaining to a muscle, or to a system of muscles; consisting of, or constituting, a muscle or muscles; as, muscular fiber.
Muscular Dinle!
Performed by, or dependent on, a muscle or the muscles.
Muscular Dinle!
Well furnished with muscles; having well-developed muscles; brawny; hence, strong; powerful; vigorous; as, a muscular body or arm.
Electro- A prefix or combining form signifying pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity, producing or employing electricity, etc.; as, electro-negative; electro-dynamic; electro-magnet.
Electro An electrotype. n.
Electro-ballistic Pertaining to electro-ballistics. a.
Electro-ballistics The art or science of measuring the force or velocity of projectiles by means of electricity. n.
Electro-biologist One versed in electro-biology. n.
Electro-biology That branch of biology which treats of the electrical phenomena of living organisms. n.
Electro-biology That phase of mesmerism or animal magnetism, the phenomena of which are supposed to be produced by a form of electricity. n.
Electro-bioscopy A method of determining the presence or absence of life in an animal organism with a current of electricity, by noting the presence or absence of muscular contraction. n.
Electro-capillarity The occurrence or production of certain capillary effects by the action of an electrical current or charge. n.
Electro-capillary Pert. to, or caused by, electro-capillarity. a.
Electro-chemical Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry. a.
Electro-chemistry That branch of science which treats of the relation of electricity to chemical changes. n.
Electro-chronograph An instrument for obtaining an accurate record of the time at which any observed phenomenon occurs, or of its duration. It has an electro-magnetic register connected with a clock. See Chronograph. n.
Electro-chronographic Belonging to the electro-chronograph, or recorded by the aid of it. a.
Electro-dynamic Alt. of Electro-dynamical a.
Electro-dynamical Pertaining to the movements or force of electric or galvanic currents; dependent on electric force. a.
Electro-dynamics The phenomena of electricity in motion. n.