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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {N} authority, authorization, command, competence, competency, faculty, fiat, power, sword, vis, warrant, warranty
1. authority, delegated power, authorization, warrant.
2. competence, sufficiency of knowledge, judgment, or skill (in a particular field).

yetki aşımı law exceeding the authority delegated to one.
yetki * authority, delegated power, authorization, warrant. * competence, sufficiency of knowledge/judgment/skill (in a particular field).
yetki jurisdiction
yetki authorization

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
mahkeme yetki alanı dahilinde olan
  • {A} cognizable
polisin yetki alanı
  • {N} constabulary
sınırsız yetki
  • {N} carte blanche
tam yetki
  • {N} free hand, direct responsibility, plenary power, carte blanche
yetki alanı
  • {N} bailiwick, jurisdiction, pale, scope of authority
yetki alanım dışında
  • {PHR} province: it's not within my province
yetki belgesi
  • {N} authority, warrant
yetki bölgesi
  • {N} bailiwick
yetki dışında
  • {A} cognizance: beyond cognizance
yetki ile
  • {ADV} ex cathedra
yetki sahası
  • {N} province
yetki sınırı
  • {N} demarcation: line of demarcation
yetki verme
  • {N} entitlement, vesting
yetki vermek
  • {V} accredit, authorise, authorize, capacitate, chair, create, empower, enable, entitle, invest, licence [Brit.], license, qualify, vest, vest with, warrant
yetki ver authorise
v.yetki ver:adj.yetkili authorised
yetki ver authorize
v.yetki ver:adj.yetkili authorized
yetki ver empower
yetki verme entitlement