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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {A} wholesale, bulk, gross, total
  • {ADV} collectively, lump: in the lump, bulk: in bulk, wholesale: by wholesale, wholesale, en bloc
1. wholesale (as opposed to retail).
2. all of, each of; the whole of.
3. all in one go, all at once, all at the same time.
toptan * wholesale (as opposed to [retail] ). * all of, each of; the whole of. * all in one go, all at once, all at the same time.
toptan en masse
toptan lump sum

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
toptan alış
  • {N} scale buying
toptan almak
  • {V} lump
toptan fiyat
  • {N} trade price
toptan kasaplık
  • {N} meat packing
toptan olarak
  • {ADV} collectively, lump: in the lump, wholesale: by wholesale, wholesale
toptan satılan
  • {A} wholesale
toptan satış
  • {N} wholesale
toptan satış yeri
  • {N} warehouse
toptan satmak
  • {V} lump
toptan sat sell wholesale
toptan sat sold wholesale
v.toptan sat:n.toptan satış wholesale
toptan eşya fiyat indeksi wholesale price index
toptan öldürme slaughter
toptan satış wholesale
toptan giriş batch input
toptan işleme batch processing
toptan alış scale buying n.
toptan almak lump v.
toptan fiyat trade price n.