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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {A} stock
  • {N} stock, reserve, holding, store, inventory, budget, garner, hoard, stock-in-trade
stok ,-ku stock, goods on hand.
stok stok{u} * stock, goods on hand.
stok fund
stok stock

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
fazla stok yapmak
  • {V} overstock
mevcut stok
  • {N} physical stock
stok defteri
  • {N} stock book
stok listesi
  • {N} stocklist
stok sayımı
  • {N} stocktaking
stok yapan
  • {N} stockist
stok yapma
  • {N} hoarding
stok yapmak
  • {V} stock, stock up, pile, stockpile, buy forward
ticari stok
  • {N} stock-in-trade
yedeklik stok
  • {N} stockpile
stok etmek * to accumulate a stock of.
stok yapmak * to accumulate stock.
stok bölümü department store
v.stokla:n.stok stock
stok numarası stock number
v.stokla:n.stok stockpile
dengeli stok balanced stock
ara stok buffer stock
kömür stok sahası coal depot
üretim planlaması ve stok kontrolü manufacturing planning and inventory control