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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {N} chest, coffer, box, packing case, ark, crate, soapbox
1. (large) chest, trunk.
2. hope chest, dower chest.
3. crate.
4. strongbox, coffer.
5. bank; organization administering a fund; credit union.
6. cashier´s office, treasurer´s office.
7. box-like implement used for measuring sand or gravel.
8. caisson (used as a foundation); cofferdam.

__tan çıkmak to be elected to a public office.

__ düzmek (for a young woman) to accumulate things for her hope chest.

__ emini cashier, treasurer.

__ eşyası clothes, linens, etc. (kept in a hope chest).

__ lekesi mark or stain made by mildew (found on clothes or linens that have been left in a chest for a long time).

__ odası storeroom, Brit. lumber room.

__ sepet all of one´s belongings.

__taki sırtında, ambardaki/sepetteki karnında/boğazında. colloq. He never thinks of saving something for a rainy day./He spends his money as soon as he gets it.
sandık * (large) chest, trunk. * hope chest, dower chest. * crate. * strongbox, coffer. * bank; organization administering a fund; credit union. * cashier's office, treasurer's office. * box-like implement used for measuring sand/gravel. * caisson (used as a foundation); cofferdam.
sandık ark
sandık chest

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
kutsal emanetlerin saklandığı sandık
  • {N} reliquary
kutu veya sandık dolusu
  • {N} box
sandık odası
  • {N} lumber room, glory-hole
sandık yapım malzemesi
  • {N} shook
sandık eşyası * clothes, linens, etc. (kept in a hope chest).
sandık lekesi * mark/stain made by mildew (found on clothes/linens that have been left in a chest for a long time).
sandık odası * storeroom, _British_ lumber room.
sandık sepet * all of one's belongings.
sepet sandık * trunk/chest made of basketwork covered in leather. * chests and boxes.
v.sandıkla:n.kafesli sandık crate
sandık dolusu crateful
sandık odası lumberroom
sandık odası storage room
sandık odası storeroom
kafesli sandık crate
kutsal emanetlerin saklandığı sandık reliquary n.
kutu veya sandık dolusu box n.
sandık odası lumber room, glory hole n.
sandık yapım malzemesi shook n.