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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {A} advanced, high, higher, sophisticated, ahead, forward, onward
  • {ADV} forward, forwards, further, along, forth, onward, onwards, forrader
1. the front, the area or part which lies to the front: Trenin ilerisini göremiyoruz. We can´t see the front section of the train.
2. the next part (of a road, a course, a job): İlerimizde deniz vardı. In front of us lay the sea. Yolun ilerisi çok virajlı. The next part of the road is full of curves. Bu işin ilerisi pek kolay olmaz. The next part of this job won´t be very easy.
3. the future, the time yet to come; the time which lies just ahead: İlerimiz kış. Winter is just around the corner. İleriyi hiç düşünmedin mi? Haven´t you ever thought about the future?
4. mil. advance, forward, situated near the front: ileri komuta yeri advance command post.
5. fast (clock, watch, etc.): Saatim iki dakika ileri. My watch is two minutes fast.
6. /dan/ ahead of, before, (something) which precedes: Tacimah bizden ileri sınıflardan birindeydi. Tacimah was in one of the classes ahead of us.
7. advanced; beyond the elementary stage; ahead of others.
8. advanced (age, years): Hoşkadem oldukça ileri bir yaşta aşka düştü. Hoşkadem fell in love at a rather advanced age.
9. Forward!/Onward!
10. forward, forwards, to the front; out in front; onward, onwards.

1. the future.
2. the farther part.
3. the rest, what is still to come.

ileri almak /ı/
1. to move (something) forward, move (something) towards the front.
2. to promote (someone).
3. to set or put (a clock, watch) forward.

ileri atılmak to spring forward; to rush forward.

ileriden beri for a long time now.

ileri çıkmak to come forward.

ileri evre advanced stage.

ileri geçmek
1. to go forward, go to the front.
2. to be promoted.

ileri gelenler important people, prominent people, notables, worthies, bigwigs.

ileri gelmek /dan/ to be caused by, result from, be due to.

ilerisini gerisini düşünmemek/hesaplamamak/saymamak /ın/ not to give a thought to the consequences of (something).

ileri geri konuşmak/laflar etmek/söylemek to speak in an offhanded and tactless way, talk offhandedly and tactlessly.

ileri gitmek
1. to advance, progress.
2. to go too far, go beyond the bounds of what is considered acceptable.
3. (for a clock or watch) to gain time, be fast.

ilerisine gitmek /ın/
1. to consider (something) in depth, go into (something) in detail.
2. to see (something) through.

ileriyi görmek to foresee the future.

ileri görüş foresight, prescience.

ileri görüşlü foresighted, foresightful, farsighted, prescient (person).

ileri götürmek /ı/ to take (something) too far, carry (something) too far.

ileri hat mil. front line.

ileri karakol mil. outpost; outlying picket.

ileri marş! mil. Forward, march!

ileri sürmek /ı/
1. to drive (someone, something) forward.
2. to put forward, set forth (an idea).

ileri varmak to go too far, go beyond the bounds of what is considered acceptable.
ileri * the front, the area or part which lies to the front: Trenin ilerisini göremiyoruz. We can't see the front section of the train. * the next part (of a road/course/job): İlerimizde deniz vardı. In front of us lay the sea. Yolun ilerisi çok virajlı. The next part of the road is full of curves. * the future, the time yet to come; the time which lies just ahead: İlerimiz kış. Winter is just around the corner. askeri * advance, forward, situated near the front. * fast (clock, watch, etc.): Saatim iki dakika ileri. My watch is two minutes fast. * ahead of, before, (something) which precedes: Temel bizden ileri sınıflardan birindeydi. Temel was in one of the classes ahead of us. * advanced; beyond the elementary stage; ahead of others. * advanced (age/years). * Forward!/Onward! * forward, forwards, to the front; out in front; onward, onwards.
ileri forth
ileri advanced

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
daha ileri
  • {ADV} further
daha ileri!
  • {INTRJ} excelsior!
daha ileri gitmek
  • {V} outrange, outreach, outstrip
fazla ileri gitmek
  • {V} extreme: go to extremes, overshoot the mark, overshoot oneself
haklı neden ileri sürmek
  • {V} cause: show cause
ısrarla ileri sürmek
  • {V} obtrude
ileri alan oyuncusu
  • {N} striker
ileri almak
  • {V} set forward, put forward, advance, put on
ileri atılma
  • {N} burst
ileri bir tarihe atmak
  • {V} date ahead
ileri fırlama (at)
  • {N} plunge
ileri gelen
  • {A} leading, top-line
  • {N} topliner, notable, magnate, high-up, doctor
ileri gelenler
  • {N} front-bencher, notables, establishment: the establishment, great: the great
ileri gelmek
  • {V} arise from, result from, base: be based on, derive: be derived from, rest on, come, root in, set forth
ileri geri
  • {ADV} backwards and forwards, back and forth, to and fro
ileri geri çalışma
  • {N} reciprocation
ileri geri işlemek
  • {V} shuttle
ileri geri konuşmak
  • {V} scandal: talk scandal
ileri gitme
  • {N} exorbitance
ileri gitmek
  • {V} far: go too far, exaggerate, exceed, progress