Was kosten Briefmarken für diese Briefe? |
- {PHR} stamp: How much do stamps cost for these letters?
Was kosten die Eintrittskarten? |
- {PHR} ticket: How much are the tickets?
keine Kosten und Mühen scheuen |
- {V} unsparing: be unsparing in smb.'s efforts, unstinting: be unstinting in smb.'s efforts
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung |
- {N} management accounting
Möchten Sie es kosten? |
- {PHR} taste: Would you like to taste it?
Was wird es kosten? |
- {PHR} cost: How much will it cost?
zusätzliche Kosten |
Was kosten die Plätze? |
- {PHR} seat: How much are the seats?
Wie viel wird dieser Test kosten? |
- {PHR} test: How much will this test cost?
Wie viel wird die Reparatur ungefähr kosten? |
- {PHR} approximately: How much will the repairs cost, approximately?