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Google Translate
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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {N} translation, interpretation, rendering, rendition
1. translation, translating.
2. translation; rendition; something which has been translated.
3. /dan/ (work) which has been translated (from).

tercüme etmek /ı, a/ to translate (something) into (a language); to render (a written work) into (a language); to translate (something) for (someone); /ı/ to translate (something).
tercüme * translation, translating. * translation; rendition; something which has been translated. * (work) which has been translated (from).
tercüme rendering
tercüme translation

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
aynen tercüme
  • {N} metaphrase
kelimesi kelimesine tercüme
  • {N} verbal translation, metaphrase
kelimesi kelimesine tercüme etmek
  • {V} metaphrase
Tercüme edilmiş romanları nerede bulabilirim?
  • {PHR} novel: Where can I find novels in translation?
tercüme edilebilir
  • {A} translatable
tercüme edilemez
  • {A} untranslatable
tercüme etmek
  • {V} translate, interpret, construe, put
tercüme yapmak
  • {V} translate
yanlış tercüme
  • {N} mistranslation
yanlış tercüme etmek
  • {V} mistranslate
yeniden tercüme
  • {N} retranslation
yeniden tercüme etmek
  • {V} retranslate
tercüme etmek * {/ı, a/} to translate (something) into (a language); to render (a written work) into (a language); to translate (something) for (someone); {/ı/} to translate (something).
tercüme olunur interpretable
tercüme et translate
n.tercüme:v.çevir:prep.çevirerek translating
tercüme etmek put
(into ile) -e tercüme etmek render
tercüme etmek translate
aynen tercüme metaphrase n.