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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {ID} foul: fall foul of
  • {V} attack, jump at, jump on, run against, walk into, be up against, lash into, wrinkle, wrinkle up, knit, slap
1. /ı/ to stack, pile (arms); to prop (poles, etc.) together (as one would stack rifles).
2. /ı/ to put up (a framework of poles or timbers).
3. /ı/ to erect (something) in a makeshift manner.
4. /ı, a/ to put (a load) on both sides of (a pack animal).
5. /ı/ to baste (pieces of cloth) together, tack (pieces of cloth) together.
6. /ı/ to tie on (a cloth worn around the forehead).
7. /ı/ to knit (one´s brows).
8. /a/ to meet with, come up against, run up against (someone or something unpleasant).
9. /a/ to encounter, chance upon (someone).
10. /a/ to scold, berate.
11. /a/ to hit, bump.
12. /a/ to ingratiate oneself with, get in with, cozy up to.
13. (for a time) to come round, be upon one. Çattık! colloq. We´re in for it now!
çatmak * to stack, pile (arms); to prop (poles, etc.) together (as one would stack rifles). * to put up (a framework of poles or timbers). * to erect (something) in a makeshift manner. * to baste (pieces of cloth) together, tack (pieces of cloth) together. * to tie on (a cloth worn around the forehead). * to knit (one's brows). * to meet with, come up against, run up against (someone/something unpleasant). * to encounter, chance upon (someone). * to scold, berate. * (for a time) to come round, be upon one.
çatmak tack

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
çatmak (tüfekleri)
  • {V} stack
çetin cevize çatmak
  • {V} tartar: catch a tartar
gelip çatmak
  • {V} strike, arrive, set in
kaş çatmak
  • {V} scowl
sert kayaya çatmak
  • {ID} granite: bite on granite
başını çatmak to bind a cloth around one´s head and across one´s temples to relieve a headache.
belaya çatmak belaya çatmak/düşmek/girmek/uğramak * to run into trouble.
gelip çatmak gelip çatmak/dayanmak * (for time) to come round at last, be finally at hand.
kaşlarını çatmak * to frown.
keyif çatmak * to enjoy oneself, have a good time.
silahları çatmak * to stack arms.
tüfek çatmak * to stack arms.
gelip çatmak arrive
gelip çatmak come
kaşlarını çatmak frown
kaş çatmak lour
kaş çatmak lower
kaşlarını çatmak scowl
üstüne çatmak overlay
çatmak (tüfekleri) stack v.