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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {V} put through
1. /ı, a/ to tie (someone, something) to; to bind (someone, something) to; /ı, la/ to tie (someone, something) up (with): Saçını kırmızı kurdeleyle bağladı. She tied up her hair with a red ribbon.
2. /ı/ to tie (one´s shoes, one´s shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon).
3. /ı/ to bandage, bind up (a wound).
4. /ı/ to gird on (one´s sword).
5. /ı/ to tie (something) up in a bundle.
6. /a, ı/ to put (someone) on (a salary); to assign (someone) a regular supply of (rations).
7. /ı/ (for something) to bind, be binding upon (someone).
8. /ı/ to finalize (a business deal); /ı, a/ to draw up or make (a contract) for (a project, an activity): O işi bağladık. We´ve finalized that deal.
9. /ı, a/ to make (someone) devoted to, bind (someone) to.
10. /ı/ to tie (someone) down, limit the scope of (someone´s) activities; to constrain; to fetter.
11. /ı/ to cross (one´s arms).
12. (for a skin) to form (on milk, yogurt); (for ice) to form (on the surface of a body of water); (for a wound) to get (a scab) on it, scab over; (for the chimney of a lamp) to get (sooty): Yoğurt kaymak bağladı. The yogurt´s skinned over. Bu şişeler çok is bağladı. These lamp chimneys have gotten very sooty.
13. /ı/

prov. to block; to dam, dam up; to stop the flow of.
14. /ı/ to shut (a door).
bağlamak * {/ı, a/} to tie (someone/something) to; to bind (someone/something) to; {/ı, la/} to tie (someone/something) up (with). * to tie (one's shoes, one's shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon). * to bandage, bind up (a wound). * to gird on (one's sword). * to tie (something) up in a bundle. * to put (someone) on (a salary); to assign (someone) a regular supply of (rations). * (for something) to bind, be binding upon (someone). * {/ı/} to finalize (a business deal); {/ı, a/} to draw up or make (a contract) for (a project/an activity): O işi bağladık. We've finalized that deal. * to make (someone) devoted to, bind (someone) to. * to tie (someone) down, limit the scope of (someone's) activities; to constrain; to fetter. * to cross (one's arms). * (for a skin) to form (on milk/yogurt); (for ice) to form (on the surface of a body of water); (for a wound) to get (a scab) on it, scab over; (for the chimney of a lamp) to get (sooty). * to shut (a door).
bağlamak affix
bağlamak attach

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
ağzını bağlamak
  • {V} muzzle
altını bağlamak
  • {V} diaper
ayaklarını birbirine bağlamak (at)
  • {V} hobble
ayarlı aynaya bağlamak
  • {V} index
aylık bağlamak
  • {N} salary
bağcıklarını bağlamak
  • {V} lace up
ip ile bağlamak
  • {V} lash down, lash
bağlamak (anlaşma vb.)
  • {V} oblige
bağlamak (halat)
  • {V} belay
bağlamak (hayvan)
  • {V} tether
bağlamak (nafaka)
  • {V} settle
bağlamak (para)
  • {V} lock, lock up
bağlamak (yelken)
  • {V} bend
bel bağlamak
  • {V} rely upon, rely on, trust to, reliance: place reliance in, reliance: place reliance on, bank on, bargain on, base oneself on, build, calculate, go on, look to, reckon on, reckon upon, repose in, rest on
birbirine bağlamak
  • {V} leash
cebire ile bağlamak
  • {V} splint
delikten geçirip bağlamak
  • {V} reeve
elleriyle ayaklarını bağlamak
  • {V} hog-tie
elektriğe bağlamak
  • {V} tee across
elini ayağını bağlamak
  • {V} truss up