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Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
  • {A} wholesale, bulk, gross, total
  • {ADV} collectively, lump: in the lump, bulk: in bulk, wholesale: by wholesale, wholesale, en bloc
toptan alış
  • {N} scale buying
toptan almak
  • {V} lump
toptan fiyat
  • {N} trade price
toptan kasaplık
  • {N} meat packing
toptan olarak
  • {ADV} collectively, lump: in the lump, wholesale: by wholesale, wholesale
toptan satılan
  • {A} wholesale
toptan satış
  • {N} wholesale
toptan satış yeri
  • {N} warehouse
toptan satmak
  • {V} lump
1. wholesale (as opposed to retail).
2. all of, each of; the whole of.
3. all in one go, all at once, all at the same time.
toptan * wholesale (as opposed to [retail] ). * all of, each of; the whole of. * all in one go, all at once, all at the same time.
toptan en masse
toptan sat sell wholesale
toptan sat sold wholesale
v.toptan sat:n.toptan satış wholesale
toptan eşya fiyat indeksi wholesale price index
toptan lump sum
toptan mass
toptan öldürme slaughter